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Vida amarga a que passei / De infortúnios sem história Governou-a a dura lei / Vida amarga a que passei Do amor e da desmemória

Fado do lugar comun - Misia

Desmemòria (Dismemory) is a highly poetic concept. It does not even appear in the dictionary, yet it is very common in fados, tangos and sambas. And Desmemòria is, in my opinion, one of the most aesthetically accomplished videoclips, both harmonious and charming. Our film opens with it, a fine introduction to Sonesnat: experimental leanings, rural setting and an interplay of genres (Sonesnat is like Kenneth Russo).

In this survey of genres that is Sonesnat, Desmemòria refers to videodance expression codes. Dancer Quelic interacts with the colour blocks by performing a dance as close as possible to the idea evoked by the act – so abstract – of deconstruction. Russo achieves the desired representation of deconstruction by means of two resources: first playing the musical theme backwards for Quelic (like when we played Black Sabbath records backwards to see if we could hear an encoded message), and then playing the recorded image backwards. For this reason, music and Quelic's dance show enigmatic similarities.

The act registered by this videoclip is itself dismemory. Quelic performs an irregular, dissonant concatenation of sounds that he will never be able to retain because it does not actually exist. Desmemòria is, thus, a backwards pirouette that because of its very nature is unrepeatable, elusive and, like the term "dismemory" itself, ethereal.


Desmemòria | 4' 29"

Music: Dirty Club (stool rock) www.thedirtyclub.com

Performance: Bambino (passionate), Txeca, Z

About the videoclip: Quelic (dancer and Flash addict)            



Author: Dani Fortià (artist)

Avui desperto el teu oxigen

Ahir observava el teu destí

Demà ja no

Ahir ja no

Recordo, recordeu, recorden



Demà despertaré el teu contorn

Avui necessàriament al teu voltant

Avui potser

Demà potser

Recordo, recorden, recordeu



Ahir dormia rosegant la teva olor

Avui dormo olorant la teva fe

Demà també

Avui també

Ahir, Avui, Demà et recordo Agenda.