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Casi una experiencia religiosa contigo cada instante en cada cosa besar la boca tuya merece un Aleluya es una experiencia religiosa

Experiencia religiosa - Enrique Iglesias


With Experiència, the animation genre storms onto the Sonesnat scene. The technical process is classic, in the sense that instead of sophisticated animation devices, the primitive practice of shooting the paper directly was used.

In music, the term "experience" often has erotic and sentimental connotations: the experience of love (as a psychologist would say) is interpreted as the experience par excellence, even acquiring a tinge of the sacred. The Sonesnat Experiència videoclip lets itself be carried away by this cultural agreement and is based on an erotic-vile urban legend about clandestine orgies that take place in Asia to which a person (a friend of a friend) is taken by a prostitute in a sort of remote mansion. There, the people present, out of control, reach supreme sexual pleasure by cutting the head of a live goose when ejaculating inside it.

Delicately through animation, the videoclip recreates these images, though basically emphasizing the notion of sexual desire through female, sinuous forms, which appear in Experiència right from the first frame. The goose only appears at the end. This a videoclip constructed - clearly with girls - from the standpoint of male sexual desire.


Experiència | 3'19"

Music: The author of the musical composition and of the performance wishes to remain anonymous.

About the videoclip: Animation by Kenneth Russo and Yasuko Tanoka



Author: Edgar Massegú (illustrator, poet, percussionist and philology student)


D'experta a expert

el deler no em perd.

Desperto inert

però el malencert no em perd.

De puta en puta

l'ull cabellut m'embruta.

De nit en nit,

de cop i volta caic.

Com esclafit esmorteït al llit.

De tio en tio

faig la viu-viu

si em llepa el pit i em pren el piu

escolto el xiu-xiu dels piu-pius.

D'experta a expert

el deler no em perd.

Rebo experiència

d'un camaobert

que ja m'ha descobert.

De beure en bec

sec al rec cec

i bec d'un ofec.

De bruixa en bruixa

cap entrecuix ni cuixa

el cap cabellut m'embruixa

D'experta a expert

el deler no em perd

però em prenc un tret.