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Oblidar el retorn serà un espai de silenci i llibertat, no hi haurà gest ni desig ni un camí ni cap afany

Porrera - Lluís Llach



The concept of space is undoubtedly the broadest of the ten showcased by Sonesnat, the one that is most laden with meanings and also the most unpredictable. I have described space as Llach's mental construction, but I could have chosen many other uses of the same concept: space as a metaphor of the influence of drugs (Bowie's Space Oddity, Héroes del Silencio's Hechizo), space as a vital need (Britney Spears' Overprotected), or, in a more literal sense, space as a cosmic location (Mclan's Llamando a tierra). And there are still a host of other connotations.

Judith Rico, the author of the lyrics for the Espai videoclip, felt that this concept highlighted a need for expression inherent in the female psychology. A good counterpoint to the flood of pheromones pouring out the previous videoclip. The voice of Rocío la de Carabanchel manages to express the brazenness filling the lines written by Rico. Apokalapsus' deafening heavy metal compacts this kind of exorcism-cum-song. The image, however, is a fixed shot, not very complex, deliberately spare.

Russo plays with the synchronization among three elements: the intensity of music, the speed at which the image is played and the blinking of the floating icon, the recording red dot. In that way three spaces/times are defined: the one governing the structure of the musical composition, the one where the two cable cars meet and the one bounded by symbols such as pause or recording. Of all the videoclips, Espai videoclip is the one that deals with more abstract concepts in a way that reminds us - intentionally - of the 1970s film experiments about time and space, such as those by Paul Sharits and Michael Snow.


Espai | 3'06"

Music: Musical composition: Apokalapsus (Gerard L'home enrampat, Alex el celador heavy and Arnau (painter)).

Vocals: Rocío la de Carabanchel.

Backing vocals: Kenneth Russo

About the videoclip: Directed by Kenneth Russo. Fragments shot in Lisbon.



Author: Judith Rico (cultural manager)


Ho intentes una i altra vegada

sembla que no pots escapar.

Hores, dies, mesos, potser anys que vols fugir,

fa massa temps que has deixat de sentir.

Si fossis valenta ho faries sense pensar,

però cada vegada estàs més cansada.

Deixa lloc als teus somnis.

Deixa lloc a la teva intuïció.

Frescor d'uns instants que poden ser eterns:

l'escapatòria és a les teves mans.

En qualsevol moment pots obrir el balcó

i t'omplirà la immensitat.

Veuràs tot el que et queda per descobrir,

un esclat brillant que et farà tornar a sentir.

Sensació verda enmig del blau clar,

turquesa infinit que et donarà llibertat,

calma suau que et portarà a l'horitzó.

No et pots aturar!

Deixa lloc als teus somnis.

Deixa lloc a la teva intuïció.

Frescor d'uns instants que poden ser eterns: l’escapatòria és a

les teves mans.