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Videojuegos, tragaperras en el bingo, café y copa, todo vicio; Teleadicción, revistas del corazón, peluquería, todo vicio; Vicio, vicio!! Vicio, vicio!!

Vicio - Reincidentes


We come across a bastard, strange word that, nonetheless, almost all of us have used at times and with different spellings (I have chosen "leitmotif") with f - because, according to my research, this seems the most correct one, though"leitmotiv" is also accepted). Curiously enough, this Francogermanic term comes from the field of music. In music, the leitmotif is a short, characteristic, recurrent tonal melody or sequence throughout a vocal or instrumental work. Composer Berlioz translated the term in 1830 as idée fixe (fixed idea). Nowadays, this term is used in any field (there is even an indie group from Madrid called Leitmotif) to refer to a recurrent main plot.

In Leitmotif, I think that all of us involved acted with a special freedom. You will notice that the lyrics we hear in the videoclip bear hardly any similarity to the original ones by Borrego. The members of Crapulesque decided to take the proposal issued by Sonesnat to our personal realm. As a member of the group and mastermind of the mutation of the original lyrics, I must confess that it was difficult for us to identify them and adapt Borrego's structure to our compositional style. Rewriting the lyrics was an exercise similar to automatic writing: by taking one of the words in the original lyrics as the leitmotif (tragaperras - slot machine), I sketched a story, forcing me to insert other words that appear in Borrego's lyrics here and there. In the end, the song is "so Crapulesque" that we have included it in our regular repertoire.

For his part, Russo lets himself be carried away by what the song inspired in him, which is, he claims, the colours red and black, wine and the TV quiz shows broadcast in prime time; the quintessence, according to the artist, of junk TV.


Leitmotif | 4'25"

Music: Musical composition and performance: Crapulesque (Tejero Molina – guitar, Klaus Kinki – bass and vocals; La Leoparda de Rekalde – Drums and back-up vocals)

About the videoclip: Directed by Kenneth Russo



Author: Salvador Borrego

Tío Julián pilotó demasiados cazas

Un día me enseñó su tatuaje

y me pidió que le disparara

¿A que demonios esperaba?

El viejo era un tipo importante en el matadero

y el muy cerdo nunca quiso dejar testamento

6 balas sobre el pecho de un muerto

Adiós, Tío Julián, adiós...olvídate de mí

Dicen los viejos fugitivos

que las calles ya no son para soñar

Hay hielo sobre los coches

y aquí está empezando a nevar

Ahora estoy en un bar con una mierda de traje

y una pistola de 50 euros que no dispara

bebí demasiado de aquella copa rota

Cuando Mammi se volvió loca

Sé que Robert Capa estará orgulloso de mí

Muchos antes que yo fueron llamados a la mar

y que me parta un rayo porque me voy de esta ciudad

Adiós, querida Mammi, adiós...olvídate de mí

Dicen los viejos fugitivos

que las calles ya no son para soñar

Hay hielo sobre los coches

y aquí está empezando a nevar

En el bar ya es hora de cerrar

las tragaperras dejan de bailar

Los perros ladran

y los taxis aparcan

Zarparé esta noche mientras el mundo duerme

Beberé 1.000 naufragios y encabezaré el desfile

ya veo al Capitán jugando a los dados en el muelle

Adiós, Tío Julián, adiós...olvídate de mí